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Wenatchee senior portraits

As promised, a few more images from the ultra-photogenic and ultra-talented Keelin. A little bird (Facebook) told me she has an interview with Brooks in California for video-making. Good luck Keelin!


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I heart faces: Pink

This week’s theme at I heart Faces is in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Many of us have been touched by this disease and it's important to remind everyone what month it is and encourage women to get a mammogram.

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Wenatchee volleyball calendar girls

Recently I had a fun afternoon with 10 gorgeous volleyball players. Talk about setting yourself up for low self-esteem! I got to shoot the Wenatchee Valley Knights women's volleyball team for a little fundraising project we're working on. Not sports shots, but more personality portraits to match the month they will be in a calendar. We're making a calendar for the team to sell as part of their fundraiser for a community service and volleyball event trip to Nicaragua in February. These girls are so great, they have a huge emphasis on community service, equal to their drive to win. They all maintain great GPA's, practice 5 days a week and are there for each other through thick and thin. It was awesome getting to spend a little time off the court with each of them. I'll post when and where the calendars are available as well, it's a worthwhile cause for a group of deserving, hard-working young women.



Wenatchee senior portrait

This was a tough sell. The daughter who hates having her photo taken. Hates photos of herself. I had to pretty much beg, plead, bribe and cajole to get a few senior photos of her. Feeling pretty happy that she, as my "toughest client", likes them. So proud of you honey! I know it's a tough year but I have no doubt you are up to the challenge.



Wenatchee/Monitor senior portrait first look

Photographers have this little saying about what an honor it is when another photographer asks you to take their portraits. It's a complement because they know they can trust you to capture them the way they would like to be seen. Keelin has been interested in photography almost as long as I have known her and I do my best to help her learn and grow whenever she has questions. Well this student has started taking some pretty serious photos on her own, even being hired by other teens for their portraits, so she is definitely on the right track. I got to spend part of a grey, Fall afternoon in her apple orchard making a few images of Keelin for her senior portfolio. It's fun to see how she has grown (physically and photographically) and know I contributed in some small way. Here is a little sneak peek of the very photogenic Keelin.
